Intravenous Antibiotics

Intravenous Antibiotics

A systematic review of the prevalence, trend and anti microbial susceptibility of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Nigeria was published in the Journal of Infection and Public health, Volume 11, Issue 6. The result of the review stated that the overall prevalence of MRSA infection increased from 18.3% in 2009 to 42.3% in 2013. The review concluded that prevalence of MRSA infection in Nigeria is rising, albeit regional variations. Non-susceptibility to commonly prescribed, orally available and inexpensive antibiotics was high. Oceanpoint Pharmaceuticals prepare intravenous antibiotics in sterile environment, and most of them are dose specific, based on clinical function of the patient. We prepare all intravenous Antibiotics to meet these conditions. Intravenous Antibiotics are used for severe infections such as Sepsis, this is because they reach tissues faster and at higher concentrations that oral antibiotics. They are used for infections that are resistant to oral antibiotics, like some tough microbial infections. They are used for infections in the part of the body where penetration of oral antibiotics is less effective, such as the spinal fluid and bone. Patients who require intravenous Antibiotics have had some serious medical problem or hospitalization that has made them more prone to infection.

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