Oncology Medications

Oncology Medications

Globocan estimates cancer is responsible for 72,000 deaths in Nigeria every year, with an estimated 102,000 new cases of cancer annually. Also particularly challenging from the report from Globocan in 2012 is the mortality incidence ratio of cancer for Nigeria when compared to other nations, e.g. while in America, 19% of all breast cancer cases result in death, this percentage is 51% in Nigeria, triple the rate seen in the US. Due to the incredible complexity in the Medications used for cancer treatment, we offer education and support as well as world class therapies at Oceanpoint Pharmaceuticals.

We provide the latest most advance drugs for different kinds of cancer. Due to the high cost of anti cancer medications, things such as savings in preparation, waste reduction and prevention or minimization of remaining portions of a bottle of actiive principle are important to Oceanpoint Pharmaceuticals. We address the challenges In the preparation of anti cancer therapies such as need for accuracy to avoid over treatment of the patient due to the toxic nature of the treatment, the need for sterility, to avoid contamination. And also the safety of the professionals preparing and administering the medications. With so many cancer medications, we understand how critical it is to have access to the latest breakthrough oncology medications.

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